Doživite vrhunec urbanega razkošja. Naša stanovanja Skyline so oblikovana premišljeno, kar vam omogoča, da imate celotno nadstropje povsem zase. Z višjimi stropi in odprtim, prostornim dizajnom se prepustite vrhunskemu življenjskemu slogu, ki varuje vašo zasebnost in vam omogoča, da se dotaknete neba.
Razpoložljiva stanovanjaKvartet je v srcu mestnega življenja, a hkrati ohranja pristen stik z naravo. Oblikovan je po meri tistih, ki si dom predstavljajo tudi izven sten stanovanja.
Visoki stropi
Edinstvene terase
Dizajnerske tende
Celotno nadstropje
Svetla in vabljiva notranjost
Najboljši urbani način življenja
202.95 m2
Iz zgornjih nadstropij Kvarteta se odpirajo dih jemajoči razgledi na Ljubljano in Alpe.
V modernem stanovanju je vsak detajl skrbno premišljen in ustvarja občutek lahkotnega bivanja.
V premium stanovanjih se v prostornih, odprtih tlorisih harmonično prepletata udobje in vrhunski slog. Popolna kombinacija za umirjeno bivanje nad mestom.
Velika okna in panoramski razgledi vaš dom odpirajo obilju naravne svetlobe in sončnih žarkov.
202.95 m2
From the top of Kvartet, the limitless views of Ljubljana and the Alps become even more breathtaking.
With airy and bright finishes, every detail adds modern sophistication to luxury apartment living.
Sophisticated awnings allow you to shield yourself from the sun while preserving unobstructed access to the sky.
Our penthouses offer spacious, open layouts, ensuring a harmonious blend of comfort and style, perfect for serene living above the city.
Large windows and panoramic views invite an abundance of natural light to your home.
202.95 m2
From the top of Kvartet, the limitless views of Ljubljana and the Alps become even more breathtaking.
With airy and bright finishes, every detail adds modern sophistication to luxury apartment living.
Sophisticated awnings allow you to shield yourself from the sun while preserving unobstructed access to the sky.
Our penthouses offer spacious, open layouts, ensuring a harmonious blend of comfort and style, perfect for serene living above the city.
Large windows and panoramic views invite an abundance of natural light to your home.
202.95 m2
From the top of Kvartet, the limitless views of Ljubljana and the Alps become even more breathtaking.
With airy and bright finishes, every detail adds modern sophistication to luxury apartment living.
Sophisticated awnings allow you to shield yourself from the sun while preserving unobstructed access to the sky.
Our penthouses offer spacious, open layouts, ensuring a harmonious blend of comfort and style, perfect for serene living above the city.
Large windows and panoramic views invite an abundance of natural light to your home.
CORWIN je ekipa strokovnjakov - inženirjev, arhitektov, vodij projektov, tehničnih strokovnjakov in drugih, ki si delijo enak cilj - pozitivno naravnan in odgovoren razvoj mesta z občutkom za dobrobit ljudi in okolja.
Na voljo je še nekaj stanovanj, mi pa že aktivno razvijamo nove projekte.